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Amala CDC opened its doors on March 21, 2022, as a solution to all children with Neurodevelopmental problems and their parents who encounter several problems related to child development and behaviour. Based on the principles of neuroplasticity, If diagnosed early, and given proper care and attention, such problems can be easily taken care of in this modern era. The Child Development Center at Amala Institute of Medical Sciences seeks to offer solutions to such range of issues that include high risk newborns (low birth weight, preterm babies(<37 weeks), babies admitted in NICU with various problems who require developmental follow-up, speech and language delay, developmental delay, behavioural problems, Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorders, specific learning disability, learning difficulties and so on. A well-devoted team of developmental Pediatricians, Occupational Therapist, Developmental Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist and Special Educators, coordinate with allied departments to ensure the best intervention and complete solution to all such problems.CDC at AIMS is located in the Medical College campus, adjacent to the Physical medicine and Rehabilitation Department. The Center is open from 8 am to 4 pm, on all days except Sundays.The Pediatric ophthalmology and CVI clinic has also started every Friday in Amala CDC from March 2023, and caters to all children with Visual Impairment. It is first of its kind in a private medical college in Kerala


  • Early intervention services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and Behavioural therapy
  • Developmental and Behavioural therapy
  • Remedial training


The Center caters to developmental follow-up and early intervention in High risk infants - Low birth weight and preterm babies, NICU Graduates-Babies admitted in New-born Intensive Care units (NICU)

 Diagnostic services, Developmental Therapy and intervention services for Children with developmental delay


 Speech and Language Therapy for speech and language delay and other problems  related to speech output


Behavioral Therapy and Counselling services in conjunction with Clinical Psychologists for Behavioral problems/Tantrum behaviors, psychological problems etc.

Developmental Therapy, Occupational Physiotherapy for Cerebral Palsy and early  detection of Cerebral Palsy

Remedial training services for learning difficulties and Specific Learning Disability and Intellectual disability

Occupational Therapy, Behavioral Management Training, attention enhancing activities for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder etc.

Pediatric Ophthalmology and CVI (Cerebral Visual Impairment) clinic on all Fridays, 8 am - 4 pm, under Dr. Gigi Augustine


Dr. Parvathi Mohan

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Dr. Riya Lukose
Associate Professor

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Dr. Gigi Augustine T
Assistant Professor

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Mrs. Sumi Rose
Neuro Paediatric Physiotherapist

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  • Mathew A, Brahmadathan MN, Parvathi R. Brain magnetic resonance imaging in developmentally delayed children- a cross sectional study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2020;1053-1057.
  • Sharath Babu MV, Parvathi R, Mini MV. Renal function and renal volume of children born with Very Low Birth Weight J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2020; 7 (31), 1541-1544.
  • K G Damodaran, ES Gilsa, Menon J, R Parvathi. Apgar score and umbilical cord blood levels of Lactate and Creatinine in Perinatal Asphyxia. Int Jour of Biomed Res 2015; 6(4):242-5.
  • Sangeetha. P S, Parvathi R and KK.Purushothaman. Psychosocial Burden on Primary Caregivers of Children with Down Syndrome Int. J. of Adv. Res.2017; 5 (3):1748-1753
  • Deepthi S,Parvathi R,Purushothaman KK Neurological Subtypes of Cerebral Palsy and Functional Classification.jmscr 2017; 5(4):20306-20310
  • Hamal H, Rose S. “A study to find the risk of knee injuries in non professional football players”.J Chalmeda Anandrao Inst Med Sci. 2019, 18(2):20-2
  • Rose S, Ramanan S: Effect of sleep deprivation on the academic performance and cognitive functions among the college students: a cross sectional study. J Chalmeda Anandrao Inst Med Sci. 2017, 14:51-56
  • Rose S, Aakriti Dhakal. “Astudy to determine the effect of 90/90 bridge with ball and balloon exercise in asymptomatic subjects with suboptimal breathing: a randomized control trial”. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy -An International Journal January-March 2017, 11(1 ):100-106
  • Thakur D, Rose S. “A study to find correlation between the right and left hamstring length in both genders to find prevalence of hamstring tightness among college students”. Nitte University Journal of Health Sciences.2016 December;6(4):46-47
  • Rose, S.; Vasanthan, R. “Effect of trunk strengthening exercise on functional outcome in post stroke patients”.Int. J. Curr. Res.2016,8, 33658–33665
  • Sumi Rose, Ms.Kavya, Ms.K.A.Shruthi.”Hand Function Rehabilitation After Brachial Artery Revascularisation Surgery At Elbow Due To Dog Bite .-A Case Study” RJMS 2021: 11(1)64-68
  • Sonumol Ramanan,Sumi Rose.”Musculoskeletal fitness-a concern in health science students -a correlational study” RJPT 2021;1(2)
  • Khushboo A.Rajput,Sumi Rose.”Nerve conduction velocity of medial and lateral Plantar nerve -A predictor of Diabetic foot Among Diabetic population “J Chalmeda Anandrao Inst Med Sci. 2021, 21:23-27
  • Sumi Rose,“Unknowing lucid dreaming common among college going students A measure to coombat anxiety-A survey” Under review in journal
  • Sumi Rose “Functional gait ability in subacute stroke survivors post Robotic Assisted Gait Training -An evidence based review.” Manuscript submitted for publication
  • Sumi Rose”An augmented feedback with low cost visual gait mat to improve distance parameters of gait in community dwelling post stroke Manuscript submitted for publication
  • Gaddam Sri Mayuri, Sumi Rose. “Physically fit Physiotherapy students to a fit Physiotherapist---The need of the hour---A ClinicalCommentary”Manuscript under review